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    Mindfulness & Stress Management
    special festive offer

    20 % off on all the wellness programmes

    Coupon CodeSPICEFEST20
    valid from october 15 to january 15

    Mindfulness & Stress Management

    Spa Resort Kerala

    Pre Wedding Glow


    A demanding lifestyle and heightened stress levels can leave their mark on your skin, especially when preparing for your big day. Our Pre-Wedding Glow Up program is crafted to work its magic, revitalizing your skin and nurturing your mind and body. Experience a revitalizing journey that radiates beauty from within, making you glow inside out. […]

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    Soul Reset


    Whenever we lose touch with our souls, that vital spark of life within us, we may feel numb, restless, lethargic, confused, exhausted, depressed, and purposeless—to name a few of the many emotions we may experience. Our soul reset therapy focuses on simplifying the diet and the basic supportive lifestyle practices. The objective is to balance […]

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    Sumanas – Anti-Stress Therapy

    Foundation & Comprehensive

    In our day-to-day life, it is possible to feel negative psychological and physiological effects from stress, including feelings of mistrust, rejection, rage, and depression, which can cause issues like chronic headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, or even stroke. However, Ayurveda can help you relax despite the hectic modern lifestyles […]

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    Balance & Restoration

    Foundation & Comprehensive

    Combining the health benefits of a balanced plant-based diet (including herbal tea and fresh detox drinks), group yoga sessions and meditation classes, daily spa treatments, and expert wellness support throughout the entire programme. Bring a new, revitalising balance to your body as you re-energize and realign. Restoring balance will also help you with healthy weight […]

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    Couple connect – A wellness honeymoon package (2 Nights)

    Immerse in unabashed relaxation with our very special spa treatments and whisper sweet nothings over a romantic candlelit four course dinner, personalised by our chefs, experienced in our private dining room and complemented by our unobtrusive attention. Celebrate your romance in your very own paradise. SpiceTree Wellness has perfected the art of creating unforgettable memories […]

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    Global Press